Our Vision: Conquering Cancer Together

  Our Vision: Conquering Cancer Together

Cancer does not discriminate.  It touches and impacts people across Nebraska.  Cancer is the leading cause of death in Nebraska.  It touches men, women, and children in rural, urban, and suburban neighborhoods.  It wreaks havoc in the lives it touches, in families and in communities. Cancer deepens already existing disparities in access to cancer screenings and treatment.  It is a disease that needs a neutral voice to coordinate efforts across our state to reduce its impact and to improve lives touched by cancer Nebraska Cancer Coalition is that voice. 

We are committed to providing an environment for conversations and work to be done from a variety of perspectives, voices and partners with the goal being to achieve our mission and vision.

VISION Conquering Cancer Together

MISSION Connecting people and resources to strengthen cancer prevention, detection and

quality of life in Nebraska.


  • Outreach – Networking, collaborations, access to experts, providers, and systems, to enhance relationships and the impact of the work being done across Nebraska
  • Action Areas – Targeted assistance on cancer issues of greatest need statewide (urban & rural):

  • Survivorship – Addressing the needs of the growing numbers of Nebraskans who are cancer survivors
  • Education – Provide in-person and virtual education activities for members
  • Advocacy – Analysis and education of policy issues related to cancer


  • Strengthen and expand the network of cancer stakeholders across Nebraska
  • Enhance and increase screening and early detection of cancer for Nebraskans with a special focus on colorectal, prostate, skin, HPV, breast, lung, and leukemia cancer
  • Establish, promote, and strengthen collaborative relationships in both clinical and community-based approaches to cancer survivorship
  • Educate and support efforts for quality diagnosis and treatment of cancer including clinical cancer research
  • Assist in reducing and eliminating barriers and disparities to access cancer prevention and care 


1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). ACS is estimating that 11,790 Nebraskans will be diagnosed this year and approximately 3,590 will lose their fight in 2024. 

      Nebraska Cancer Coalition © 2024  •  2603 Superior Street, Suite 101, Lincoln, NE 68521 •  NC2 is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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